martedì 14 marzo 2017

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Production of minijets „gluons… and strangeness enhancement in pA and AA collisions at relativistic energies. Tai An* and Sa Ben-Hao4. Moreover, particle production in $ pA$ and $AA $ collisions is modified by shadowing effects and propagation in the medium, and a unified . Inclusive photon p⊥ spectra were measured with 2GeV/u proton,16O and32S beams on W and Pt targets, using a conversion method.

Jet production in pA and AA collisions in the perturbative QCD pomeron model. Department of High Energy Physics, University of S. Overview of ALICE in pp, pA and AA collisions. Rainer Schicker * for the ALICE Collaboration. Im Neuenheimer Feld 22 . Npart and Geometry fluctuations in pA and AA collisions.

Glauber multiple scattering pA and AA scattering. Large pT particle spectra in p+p, p+A and A+B collisions at different energies are calculated in a QCD parton model. Intrinsic transverse momentum, its . In these proceedings we will review the measurements related with jet physics, W and Z bosons performed by ATLAS and CMS during the . The strangeness production in high energy pA and AA collisions has been studied using the LUCIAE program which runs together with FRITIOF to include . We have analyzed the latest NAdata on J/ψ production in pA and AA collisions. The J/ψ production is assumed to be a two step process, (i) formation of c¯c .

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